Spring is coming. I can feel it. It's in the air. The days are longer. The sun is brighter, the ice is gone, and the snow melts faster! We are enjoying 60 degree temperatures after a really harsh winter. I love snow as much as the next person, but come on. So to honor Spring, I made a few hats.

Jared Flood
Brooklyn Tweed
Rowan Felted Tweed(148)
Us 8 circular needle
See that sky? I did not edit it. It really looked like that!
Chunky Knit Beanie (pdf)
by Leslie Friend
A Friend to Knit With
Rowan Polar (peach/pink) in my stash
US 15 needles
Another fun knit from Leslie.
Was anyone else as excited as I was on Saturday night waiting for the new
Twist Collective? I was like a little kid on Christmas Eve waiting for Santa. The new issue did not disappoint either. There are a lot of beautiful patterns. I really love
Cherry Fizz by Kate Gilbert. That will probably be next on my queue. I am working on the Tangled Yoke Cardigan too. I finished one sleeve. I love this sweater, but for some reason I just need to take little breaks from it!