Tangled Yoke Cardigan Eunny Jang Interweave Knits, Fall 07
String Theory Hand Painted 100% merino sport wool, 4 skeins, Squash US size 5, 4, and 0 needles
Things I learned:
1. Bobble - I have never done a bobble before.
2. 5-into-1 decrease and 1-into-5 increase.
3. Short row shaping for a yoke
4. Kitchener stitch to graft underarm stitches.
5. 3-stitch 1-row buttonhole - it makes a really nice buttonhole.
What I love about this sweater:
1. It's a classic sweater, but with a little updating.
2. I loved all the finishing details that Eunny Jang added to the pattern.
3. It is knit seamless, but made to look like there are seams.
4. The horizontal cable and Celtic design of the yoke.
5. Pretty much everything about this sweater.

The one thing that I didn't like: When I got to the end of the seventh row on the yoke chart. The one with 404 stitches and 84 cables. I had 4 extra stitches at the end of the row. I hate when that happens. And no, it couldn't have been in the last repeat that I did. After counting stitches and recounting, and then counting again, my mistake was at the beginning of the row. I had to rip back 400 stitches of 84 (count 'em) twisted cables. That was not fun. Nope. But alas, pain has no memory, and it is all behind me now. This is quite possibly my favorite sweater - ever!